This is an exciting and creative way for healthcare staff to see change through the eyes of others - especially patients. Click here for more details.
Trust Me I'm a Patient is a facilitated workshop that last for between two and three hours. It enables all participants to play a different role to their normal role in a scenario we re-create similar to those everyday scenarios faced by healthcare managers in the real world. For example the closure of three GP Surgeries and their replacement with a new purpose built health centre in the out of town shopping centre. The issues of public and patient involvement are then played out.
Feedback to date has been good and we have delivered the workshop to almost 550 participants.
It is great to receive bookings for more workshop as words gets around that role play and drama is an effective way of learning.
It is even more encouraging that hard pressed NHS managers who are struggling to balance their budgets are finding money to invest in this creative way of developing their staff.
Wow, I LOVE the title - Trust Me, I'm A Patient!
Very clever, engaging and thought-provoking. I hope you blow their socks off!
Thanks Dan - yes I love the title too - unfortunately I cannot take credit for it. The title was created by a friend Harry Cayton who is the Director of Patient and Public Involvement at the Department of Health.
The workshop seems to hit the right notes for most people although many participants dread the thought of role play of course.
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