If you are looking for something to read in no more than two hours – even for slow readers - then please order Nick McCormick’s new book called ‘Lead Well and Prosper’
I read the book in less than an hour.
What comes through most to me is how Nick is firmly grounded in the reality of everyday management. He uses his experience to propose common sense in all aspects of management. The book contains a brilliant summary at the end of each section with ‘do’s’ ‘don’ts’ and action points.
The book is available on Amazon by clicking here where you can see other customer reviews.
I have only just come across Nick’s work but I can see he has a great deal to offer all of us in the campaign to simplify unnecessarily complex management practice and language. I share that passion with Nick and I wish him well with this book.
If you are looking for a deeply academic and theoretical book about management don't bother to buy it. If on the other hand you want something that is practical, is about the real world and is helpful to everyday management then I urge to you consider adding this to your book collection.
I said in my endorsement of Nick's book;
‘I really love it – simple, straightforward and practical. It can and should be read by front liners through to Chief Executives.’
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