Annie and I got back from our week on a residential summer drama school and I didn't really give much feedback on my Blog. We were 2 of a group 24 completely unconnected people thrown together with two directors and two assistant directors. The task was, starting from scratch, to rehearse and perform in a public setting - within a week - the Australian play (set in the 1940's) called ‘Cloudstreet’ by Tim Winton
An amazing week for many reasons.
1 – Getting out of the comfort zone …. A long way out!! ... is good!
2 – Seeing two talented directors illustrate real leadership
3 – The joy of being part of a team committed to delivering a product in a very tight schedule
4 – Realising how much we rely on others when the chips are down and when we feel vulnerable and out of our depth
5 – Seeing how much business can learn from the arts
6 – Keeping going when half way through the week our heads were telling us ‘we’ve made a big mistake coming here’
7 - Feeling the exhilaration of a successfully completed ‘project’ that customers enjoyed
8 - Realising life needs to be as much about doing different stuff as that stuff we are used to doing every day