I've never believed using humour lessens professionalism. I say it is not compulsory to be miserable at work.
Anyway .... in sorting through old papers in the move I came across something that we did back in my NHS days that still makes me laugh … why can’t we do more of this in management?
A friend and I in a mad moment decided we would write out to people who had been on a seminar/workshop for the morning asking for their feedback. We sent it in the name of the Chief Executive.
A few people responded and played the game but most people just ignored it without comment.
What a shame …. We really need to lighten up in management.
This is it... I'd love your comments
Dear Colleague
As part of the continuing professional development we have introduced a new feedback system following away days/seminars and teaching sessions to ensure that learning has taken place.
As a result a few people are randomly selected at the end of each session to answer a few simple questions to assure the organisers that learning has occurred.
I hope you don’t mind filling in this short questionnaire and your honesty will be appreciated.
Bill Bloggs (name changed to protect the innocent)
Chief Executive
1 Did you find your way to the venue ok?
2 Was the coffee good? (tea if you drink tea)
3 Was the room comfortable or would you have preferred somewhere with Sky Sports TV?
4 Did you think the standard of dress of delegates was good enough to maintain the professional image of the organisation?
5 Did you fall asleep in any of the presentations? – We need you to name names
6 Do you think it would have helped if jokes had been part of the meeting?
7 Were you able to make the dolls house out of balsa wood without copying your friend?
8 How would you sum up the experience?
9 Could you have benefited from a lady of the night?
10 Was it worth missing out on bacon rolls back at the office?
11 Whilst you were looking through the window (we know you did), did you think the groundsman could have made a better job of the hedges with a Black and Decker 3200?