Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Back home and raring to go!

A big thank you Steve, Phil and Troy for keeping Simplicity Blog ‘awake’ for the last week while we have been sunning ourselves in the wonderful island of Malta.

The weather was superb - very hot all week and the Maltese people were charming, helpful and very friendly.

It was an honour to visit their country and how awesome it is to know that only a few short hours ago we were thousands of miles from home in a totally different culture.

I’m looking forward over the next few days to getting back into the routine of Blogging and it’s good to be back in touch.


Steve Sherlock said...

It's good to have you back. Glad to hear all went well, you are rested and raring to go! Can't wait to hear some vacation stories.

Troy Worman said...

Welcome back, Trevor! I am glad to hear you had a safe and happy holiday.

Trevor Gay said...

Hi Steve and Troy

It's good to be back. Catching up with work takes a while but soon I will hopefully be back in full swing.

Vacation stories?? ...Mmmmmm ... lots of good food - too much in fact ... a bottle of wine a day helps relaxation ... nothing to share by way of disasters ..

I can usually be relied upon to have some sort of accident on holiday that causes great hilarity - like falling off a bus seat last year and finding myself lying prone and spread-eagled on the floor of the bus to everyone's great joy and amusement. Happily this holiday passed accident free.

We both enjoyed as much rest as you can get when with two 15 year old girls. I think it is fair to say Annie’s patience, tolerance and understanding as a mother was justifiably stretched somewhat on occasions during the week :-)

As always though she came through that test with flying colours without resorting to physical violence :-) .....Kids are wonderful .......

Annie G said...

Hi guys, if you look on our online photo album, about half way through, where the 15-year-olds are playing with their food, you will be aware of the emotional challenges we faced :-)


Dmitry Linkov said...

By the way, Trevor.
Blogging for you is routine?

Trevor Gay said...

Hi Dmitry

Yes Blogging is a daily routine for me. I visit 6 or 7 Blogs every day and I try to write something on my own Blog every day.