Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sometimes we need to change things!

"Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs, bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming downstairs, but sometimes he feels that there really is another way, if only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it" A.A. Milne (1882 - 1956), Winnie the Pooh

I use this well known cartoon in change workshops. I love its truth and simplicity.


Anonymous said...

Lovely Trevor.
I am very fond of this Pooh quote:
"I think, said Pooh".
"No, let's not think, let's run", said Rabbit.
And so they went along and Rabbit led the way.

servimetrica said...

Great... I like it

The original Pooh is much better than the watered-down Disney version of it.