Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I am very proud to be a member of a new team that is trying to do something positive about poverty in the third world.

Thanks to the leadership of my friend
Felix a new Blog called Blogidarity has been created. I hope you will give Felix and his team mates your support.

Please visit Blogidarity – ordinary folks like me and you can make a difference.

Here is the Mission and Mantra of Blogidarity

Mission and Mantra

Mission: We are committed to raise funds for non profits working in the third world from Bloggers all around the world.

Mantra: 1$ can save a life

We would like to help organizations working in the third world. There are children, women and helpless men living in poor conditions and dying everyday of the year. You can do something for them: Donate 1$ to a Non-profit every month. You just will make a difference in the world.

Yes, it’s as simple as that.

In our activity we will respect a ZERO CONFUSION principle. This means that every dollar we get will be donated to the Non profit we are working for in that month. This we believe is an indispensable rule of clarity and honesty for all parts.

One more thing, if you know any project you think should get our attention, please e-mail us.

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