Today is a very special day to take some quiet time and remember all those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in the service of Britain and indeed all who have died in wars regardless of their nationality. We particularly remember the 90th Anniversary of the ending of the First World War.
Thee two pictures above say it all really
You can read more at this BBC News Link
112 year old Veteran Henry Allingham represents the Royal Air Force and 110 year old Harry Patch read the Act of Remembrance
Dear Trevor,
A great piece of info for me. I, with full reverence,honour & regards saute Mr.Henry Alingham & Harry Patch for the services and sacrifices they have done for the humanity during War conditions.
I bow my head in respect and reverence of these two great men.
I bow my head in respect and reverence of these two great men.
Me too JK :-)
Hi Trevor!
I bow my head in respect for the British people for not forgetting all those that died serving their country.
Thanks Carlos - we must NEVER forget them.
Europe is free today because of their ultimate sacrifice. Many millions from many countries all over the world died in the fight for freedom in the two world wars in the 20th century - we honour them all today.
Beautiful remembrance. My father- in-law, who I never met, served in the Canadian 63rd Halifax Rifles, and was wounded in France. He spent his recovery time in an English hospital, and fondly remembered that, so I am told.
Thank you for reminding us of your WWI veterans' brave service.
Thanks Marilyn – according to Wikipedia almost 10 MILLION people died in World War One alone and in World War Two another 57 MILLION died. Today is not just about Britain – it is about the need for peace in the world – we must never see this sort of thing again.
And we think we have problems today … because of a financial crisis that means people can’t perhaps have a third family car or the 8th television in the house or the new computer or the holiday aboard.
Relatively speaking we live in clover in 2008.
I love their faces - Messrs. Allingham and Patch. What fine, old English gentlemen. What a lifetime they have seen.
My salute to you, sirs!
Dick Field
US Army
And a salute to you too Dick for your service to your flag Sir!
Now we're getting to the real heroes of this world. Enough with all of the talk of politicians and blah-blahing about this or that.
These guys are the real deal. To sacrifice everything one has to protect our God given rights of freedom and happiness goes beyond words...in fact, more represented in the pictures.
Well done...
I know that he is a youngster at just 108 but doesn’t Bill Stone deserve a mention? It was incredibly moving to watch the service at the Cenotaph today and to see messrs Allingham (Royal Flying Corps), Patch (Army) and Stone (Royal Navy) lay their wreaths. Or to be more accurate to have current service men and women wheel them up to the memorial and lay the wreaths for them.
All went smoothly until it was Henry Allingham’s turn. He seemed reluctant to let go of his wreath and it was suggested that he wanted to lay it himself. I felt for his young supporters as they seemed to be trying to persuade him gently to let go of the wreath so that they could lay it for him as he was unable to get out of his wheel chair. The eleventh hour arrived and the bell started to toll and still this tussle was being played out.
Whatever our shortcomings in the UK, one thing that we do supremely well is to organise grand ceremonies so that they run with absolute precision. For me it was a truly memorable moment to see one proud old man briefly disrupt this precision while royalty, the Prime Minister and the great and the good of public and military life looked on.
David and Scott – thanks so much for your terrific comments. I have to say, being the old softie I am, I had a tear in my eye as those 3 wonderful ‘old boys’ laid their wreaths in memory of their fallen comrades. This was one of the most emotional moments I’ve had for many a year. A memorable day and a day, David so eloquently describes, that made me proud to the bone to be British.
1940 was truly Britain's year. Hard to "re-imagine" history if the RAF had failed.
I absolutely agree with you John. The debt we owe those brave folks is immeasurable.
I fundamentally oppose war and believe we should talk and talk and talk – and then some... before war is ever even remotely contemplated ..... But on the other hand - and speaking here as an avowed pragmatist - when evil exists we have to respond.
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