You can download short programmes from BBC Radio Website about his favourite management gurus. Professor Handy is narrator and each Guru has a programme dedicated to them.
This is the link;
These are the Gurus featured:
- Peter Drucker
- Tom Peters
- Warren Bennis
- Sumantra Ghoshal
- Kenichi Ohmae
- Gary Hamel
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
- Bill Gates
- Ricardo Semler
- Michael Porter
- Fons Trompenaar and Charles Hampden Turner
Happy Listening!
Hi Trevor
Have found my way on to your site via the Tom Peters site.
I'm looking forward to the Handy series. Some interesting choices. Would have liked to have seen Mintzberg, Senge and Ridderstrale and Nordstrom on the list but then any list like this always misses someone's favourites off.
Thanks Tomjam - welcome aboard the good ship simplicity :-)
I guess Professor Handy had to draw the line somewhere but all the names you mention deserve recognition of course
Hi Trevor,
Thanks for sending the Prof. Handy link to Tom's attention. And thanks for your kind email.
I've updated Charles entry in Wikipedia (simply search for Charles Handy) to include external links to three interviews of Charles. Incidentally, the 2000 two parts interview were where I first got introduced to Charles' thinking. So they will always hold a special place in my heart.
In reply to the comment by tomjam, I actually have a post about Mintzberg and in it I have a link to an hour long video of Henry speaking at MIT on one of his favourite topic -- MBA program reform. tomjam or whoever interested can just search for Mintzberg in my blog.
Thanks Kempton and thanks for updating Wikipedia. Professor Handy will be pleased too I am sure.
I think there is one missing, Trevor Gay!
You are very kind Felix :-)
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