Sunday, January 03, 2010


Apologies to all who wish to comment on Simplicity Blog that I've had to introduce word verification for comments. This is because I am getting lots of unsolicited and unwanted 'spam' comments. Hopefully this will prevent them. Sorry again for inconvenience.


J.KANNAN said...


According to me nothing wrong in introducing "word verification" for posting comments as it will prevent spam comments as rightly mentioned by you and you can maintain "Simplicity" spic & span like its valuable and genuine readers/contributors.

All the best to you in your endeavor for "Simplicity" in 2010.



Trevor Gay said...

Thanks JK - One of the frustrating things about technology is how it can be abused. Somehow these unwanted comments appear automatically and there is nothing one can do about it other than introduce the word verification option.

J.KANNAN said...

Dear Trevor
I am totally in agreement with you in the interest of maintaining your "Gerat SIMPLICITY Blog" in tact with ethics,decorum and acceptable to all friends of "Simplicity" forum. And 'am sure every one will endorse my views with earnestness and sicerity from the bottotm of their hearts. sinceritty to maintain the decorum and descencey of the "Simplicity" forum.

God Bless you.

Yours in Simplicity Love and committed friend.


Jesus Bles you Trevor as you are ery keen and earnest inmyour efforts towards a reasonable & good cause.

With Love.

Yours in "Simplicity lover and supporter.


hucknjim said...


While they can be irritating, I totally agree with your decision to require word verification if it keeps the spam off your enjoyable and informative blog. As you know, I'm a loyal reader who offers the occasional comment; and I always look forward to a new post. Keep up the good work.


Trevor Gay said...

Thanks as always John - I always enjoy and look forward to your comments my friend - Happy New Year to you and your family - I hope 2010 is good for you and your job.