Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Latest Simplicity article published

I’m delighted to say has published my latest Simplicity feature article today and you can see it online by clicking here

I now write a feature article each month for this organisation which is the UK's most popular site for corporate training professionals with an online network of over 40,000 active members.

Hope you enjoy the latest offering.

Please feel free to make comments at the Training Zone site as well as here ..... and do tell your friends about


Marilyn Jess said...

Brilliant article, Trevor. Is it just me or has your writing sharpened even more since you started writing this training column? Hoping this site gets many hits, because the messages you write are so important.

A word about job change. My take away from your column is about that. What I've noticed in my own career is that when things start to get too comfy I get those subtle cues that it's time to move on and challenge myself elsewhere. Always better to do this when you are at the top of your game, or nearly so.

Looking forward to your next column.

Trevor Gay said...

Thanks Marilyn - appreciate your support. Yes the style has changed a bit - I am trying to summarise with lists a bit more and make sure there are some take away points. I also have to work within a word limit which is always a good discipline to make sure all your words mean something! (It’s like hanging - it concentrates the mind) Hope you enjoy the new approach.

I agree with your views on change. My late beloved Dad said the time to be most vigilant and the time we are at our most vulnerable is when things are going well!