1 The person fitting them has a sense of humour
2 The person fitting them believes we are all contortionists.
So …....................
- Is he all talk?
- Can this bloke Trevor Gay who is always complaining about the position of toilet roll holders deliver in his own back yard?
Well …. Here is the evidence … that is me pictured in our new loo with my recently fitted (by my good self) toilet roll holder. This can be reached very comfortably and requires no great physical effort or contortionist activity.
Now there we are ….. I am not an architect; a designer; a builder; a carpenter; a room planner; or a scientist … I am just an ordinary bloke with two eyes, a drill a screw driver and some common sense.
It really is not that difficult is it?
I hope you are impressed David.
By the way .... Annie was laughing last night when I told her I thought our downstairs toilet was so lovely I was thinking of getting a TV installed in there together with an easy chair ... I guess Annie must have thought I was joking.
Nope ... I promise I have not been secretly at the Red Wine before typing this.
A great weekend to all visitors to Simplicity Blog - the sun is finally shining in England - summer has arrived ....
PS ...
Before some smart alec says 'what about unfairness to right handed people' ... I put the holder on the left because the previous owners had taken the holder and I wanted to cover up the holes they left... It has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact I am left handed!!
If there is enough concern expressed about political correctness and equality to right handers then I guess I will have to consider fitting another holder on the right ..Simply of course because I am aware of and responsive to customer feedback :-)
lol .. well how about hanging a suggestions box (& pen) next to the loo roll so that it can compliment the worrying thoughts that not everyones needs are now catered for ;-D
Excellent book btw *already well read and many comments noted for future reference ~ congratulations to you both on the new house & move :-)
Suggestion box is a good idea. I worked with a GP who had a staff toilet where every wall and the back of the door was filled with post-it notes containing quotes – I could have spent hours in there!!!
Glad you liked the book Ruth – tell your friends
Trevor, you appear to be seeking an endorsement from me for your skills. I’ll turn to that in a moment, but first, you posed the question, “Can this bloke Trevor Gay who is always complaining about the position of toilet roll holders deliver in his own back yard?” Are we to understand from that that this is an outside toilet, what used to be known as a privy? If so I am slightly surprised as I believed that this type of facility had become unfashionable in the previous century!
As for the endorsement of you activities, let me first quote a few lines from my Random Ramblings of last Wednesday. After talking about the skills required for the 21st century I said, “But these skills alone will not be enough, a ‘can do’ attitude and a willingness to be flexible and responsive to change will be essential to survive. And I might add, a recognition that looking after the customer is more important than ever before.”
Now clearly you have demonstrated a ‘can do attitude’ but I am a little concerned that you may have ignored the customer, that is unless the other customers for this new toilet roll holder are also left handed. If not, it seems to me that this installation is purely for your convenience (if you’ll excuse the pun) to avoid you having to fill the holes on the left hand side of the room.
Of course, the other possibility is that you may be anticipating important visitors as the new prime minister is also left handed!
David, I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance. Between you, me and the gatepost, I would really have preferred the toilet roll on the right, as I am right-handed, like two other members of this family and at least 85% of the population. If we were to use Ruth's idea of a suggestion box, I would request a toilet roll on the left and the right, then everybody would be happy (including VIPs) If users were to keep switching left to right, it would provide a very useful exercise for toning the waist. Trevor did say that he would listen to customer responses :-)
(He's already met the Prime Minister) Bye, Annie
Thank you all for your insightful comments.
On behalf of the left handed support group of Wolston I wish to confirm we are a ‘listening’ organisation with no self interest whatsoever.
As a result I will fit toilet roll holders on the left and right in all WC’s … in fact I may decide to fit one of all four walls to ensure complete satisfaction.
Good idea Trev, but what about having one on the floor, for the vertically challenged?
Annie, I’m glad to have been able to promote the cause of us right handers! I was aware that Trevor had met Gordon Brown, hence wondering if he was anticipating a visit. I have been told that the current cabinet is the most left handed in history, so maybe Trevor will get a call to join the government as a special adviser on the NHS (or toilets!).
Anyway, I wouldn’t worry too much about the location of the toilet roll holder – Trevor seems to like the new loo so much that you’ll never get a chance to use it. Perhaps he should move his office in there!
Hi David
Office in the toilet? …
Mmmmm…. Now that has some potential … A whole new meaning to the expression ‘lap top’
Hehe, nothing would surprise me any more. Trevor is thinking of having an easy chair and TV installed in there :-)
Are you locked in that loo Trevor?
No David I'm not locked in the loo....
I have been fully occupied with a crisis in the Voluntary Organisation where I am Chairman ....will let you know more soon.
In the meantime everything else has been put on the back burner ... including trying to earn a living....
Oh what a wonderful world …..
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