Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Feedback on Feedback!

It was great to have some comments about the content of Simplicity Blog and I have ‘heard’ everyone's comments. Thank you

It feels generally the direction I was going in was right for most people. Maybe I just need to make sure I keep a mixture of work and social stuff.

I don’t want a Blog that is solely and only about Business.

I’ve always felt that business is far too stuffy and serious and I want to keep a mixture of personal and business. I’ve always said it’s not compulsory to be miserable and serious at work.

We need to lighten things up a bit in the business world and by the way that doesn’t mean being less professional.

I always say there is no point in asking for feedback and then ignoring what people say. I hope therefore the balance in future will be ok for readers and I’ m pretty sure you will let me know if I don’t achieve that.

Don’t forget you can also visit
Annie’s Blog for other stuff that we do.

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