Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Desert

One of the best things that has happened to me since I left the corporate world of healthcare and became independent is that I have made many 'virtual friends' all over the world.

One such person from the United States is Dan Ward with whom I regularly exchange thoughts on all matters!

Dan and I share a passion for simplicity.

He has written a number of short books in the last couple of years.

Dan recently sent me the manuscript of his latest book
The Desert which is a great read. I read it on a train journey so in an afternoon you can sit and read this little masterpiece while enjoying a glass (or two) of wine sitting in the sun in the garden.

I hope Simplicity readers will take a look and maybe consider buying it - you will not be disappointed and I’m sure you will enjoy Dan’s engaging writing style.

This what Dan says:

‘I just wanted to let you know that my latest book The Desert is finished. It is a happy little collection of stories and reflections about grace, difficulty, faith, joy and love. It offers an optimistic perspective of life, based on the reality of God's goodness. You can read more about it at by clicking here'

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