Simplicity is my mantra and my great friend Dave Wheeler from Arkansas, US has come up with what I believe to be the best original quote in leadership that I’ve come across in all my leadership reading and studies.
Dave says the four most important words any leader can say are:
“What do you think?”
Isn’t that just brilliant? And so wonderfully simple!!
Tom Peters, the most famous management guru on the planet considers this one of the most powerful statements he has come across and that’s a massive compliment.
Take a bow Mr Wheeler Sir!
Yes Trevor,
I do agree with you on David Wheeler's most beautiful four words "WHAT DO YOU THINK" any leader should say, and it reminds me of .......................
In Happy moments, think of God Praise God.
In Difficult moments, think of God and Seek God.
In Quiet moments,think of God and Worship God.
In Painful moments, think of God and Trust God.
In Every moment, think of God and Thank God as..........................
"The purpose of Life is a Life of purpose." and when a Leader believes in these four words and leader in himself...........he............
Ever strive to excel.
Yearn to Learn.
And seek to have fire in the belly.
Bounce in the step.
Twinkle in the eyes.
Hope in the heart.
Steel in the nerves.
Spirit in the limbs.
Aim in the mind.
Tact in the tongue.
Smile in the lips.
Grace in the face.
Humour in the speech.
Logic in the thought.
Passion in a mission.
And a purpose in life.
and if a compliment has to come from Tom Peters..........The Great Management Guru to David Wheeler, The Great, he very well deserves it Sir.
Hats off to David Wheeler & Tom Peters to be of great inspiration and motivation to leaders of the world.
Trevor/Mr. Kannan...
I'm thinking those words aren't so much mine as they are the actions of some very terrific leaders I was privileged to have had very early in my Air Force career. CMsgt Clarence Benton for one, Tsgt Tom Yockey as another. The words were probably more along the lines of " (Expletive, expletive)...HOW THE HELL ARE WE GONNA WORK OUR WAY OUT OF THIS ONE FELLAS" But they were asking us front liners and we always seemed to find a solution. As I got promoted and progressed, that same strategy worked well for me. Still does
Only many years later did I realize how very difficult it is for so many smart and educated folks to be able to do such simple thing and do it credibly. Ego? Arrogance? Who knows? But definitely puzzling...
As for Tom Peters...you don't have to search for excellence when it comes to a brilliant leadership and management coach. One only needs to pick up any thing he has written and you will have an actionable road map to making you and your workplace better...at any level, of any type of organization. Just like Mr. Kannnan's
"Ever strive to excel.
Yearn to Learn.
And seek to have fire in the belly.
Bounce in the step.
Twinkle in the eyes.
Hope in the heart.
Steel in the nerves.
Spirit in the limbs.
Aim in the mind.
Tact in the tongue.
Smile in the lips.
Grace in the face.
Humour in the speech.
Logic in the thought.
Passion in a mission.
And a purpose in life.
Approach people and your job with those traits in yourself, you can't help but to suceed,,,your team won't let that type of leader fail!
Hello Trevor and all,
I love the simplicity of the question "What do you think?" But the effectiveness of the question depends on its sincerity. That's why I was glad to see the comments from J.K.and from Dave Wheeler quoting Tom Peters. If leaders truly embody those qualities, the question is simple and yet deep. If they don't, it is a hollow one and ultimately bad for morale. I've had both types of managers, and the first is infinitely preferable.
Thanks for another fascinating post.
Sincere thanks to all three of you.
I’ve come to the conclusion that writing my blog is the best way I can get FREE meaningful, practical and relevant personal and professional development. So many talented people who take the time to comment- thank you to all three of you all - such wisdom. I'd rather have this from you three than pay a fortune to an expensive consultant to tell me what I already know. As Dave implies many such consultants have probably never actually worked at the front line.
Tom Peters is a pretty good judge of leadership wisdom and the fact he published Dave’s quote in his latest book is a huge acknowledgment of what I've known for two or three year now – Dave is far too modest to say it but he has many leadership gifts to bring to a wider audience.
You are exactly right when you say leaders must embody the behaviors and characteristics one wishes to see in one's team. To me, credibility is a leaders greatest capital. When your mouth says one thing and actions, policies or proceses say another, trust and credibility are lost. I'm thinking there is probably not a working person on the planet who hasn't thought about what things they would change in their workplace if they were in charge. How can you tap into that real world knowledge if you don't ask?
Dave - I remember so many times the contradictions. “We value our staff” says the mission statement ... so why do the cleaners have a car park well away from the entrance whilst the senior managers have car parking spaces allocated right outside their own office .... Do senior managers melt in the rain I ask myself? Another example …..The ‘senior staff dining room’ – the clue is in the name ……
The actions must match the words - managers must think front liners are stupid but we know they are not – front liners see straight through the bullshit and lies.
Its good to read your comments and prompts me to write further.
"We value our staff" is not a mission statement but a commission statement by some of the Managers. Yes.....Managers do have a car park right outside their office for a very simple reason that after office hours they can park their buttocks in their Cars faster/quicker than others(without any offence pl)
These days actions watch the words and not match by some of the Managers. The Managers should realise that they achieve a favourable bottome line is related and is the result of the front liners performance as well and give due credit to front liners without lapse.
Brilliant JK - I love it!! :-)
Dear Trevor,
Thank you Sir for your continuous encouragement, inspiration and support and these prompts me to open out my mind and heart for expressions.
JK - Just keep letting us all have the pleasure of reading the wisdom in your words
Dittos. I'd just add that what we're really talking about——which is a tad controversial to mention——is (gasp) workforce democracy. The nose of the camel is already under the tent. The times really ARE a changing.
Always love to hear Tom Peters being appropriately acknowledged. It's astonishing that many in the Gen Y workforce have never heard of him.
A great comment John - we have been lucky to be brought up with Tom's opinions, writings and rants - how we would miss him oif he were not around. Shame he is not so well known by modern youngster - they would do well to listen to Tom's opinions - they are as valid today as 27 years ago when I first stumbled upon his writing.
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