This is my third Audio Blog trial. It is 4 minutes and 10 seconds long
I hope the quality of this recording is better – I have recorded this one through my PC using Skype.
I feel like I want to pursue Audio Blogging as a result of this trial. In future I will aim to publish two Audio Blogs each week to complement my written Simplicity Blog postings.
I mention in the Blog the success of England Rugby Union Team who yesterday beat Scotland and Johnny Wilkinson was the star of a memorable England win. Click here for more on England's success.
MP3 File
I hope the quality of this recording is better – I have recorded this one through my PC using Skype.
I feel like I want to pursue Audio Blogging as a result of this trial. In future I will aim to publish two Audio Blogs each week to complement my written Simplicity Blog postings.
I mention in the Blog the success of England Rugby Union Team who yesterday beat Scotland and Johnny Wilkinson was the star of a memorable England win. Click here for more on England's success.
MP3 File
Trevor -- If you listen to each of your three recordings in rapid succession, starting with the first, the rather dramatic improvement in quality is evident.
I think you have hit upon an effective, simple approach to good sound quality in just a couple of days - combining the advantages of a mic (in headset form, yet - the choice of the younger generation of e-savvy users)and the VoIP ease of use.
The clarity is much improved. It sounded very clear all the way over here in the U.S. That is a really neat addition. I really liked the story of the victory for England and Johnny Wilkins. The amount of practice and time put in by athletes is incredible. Rising to the top in any endeavor is an amazing accomplishment. There is much to be learned about leadership and personalgoals through sports. Great discussion. Thanks.
Dick and Rocky. The quality of the recording is improving and I will probably now settle for Skype which seems to be the best method – and the cheapest :-)
Thanks for your support.
As Dick and Rocky said, the third version is an improvement – you now sound to be ‘in the room’ whereas version two sounded a bit remote. That said, you now seem to be picking up some interference – there is some background buzz and crackle. Do you have anything else close by that could be causing this e.g. mobile phone?
I made a fascinating discovery while trying to compare V2 with V3. You can listen to them simultaneously! Admittedly it is pretty difficult to make much sense of what is being said, but entertaining nonetheless!
I also wonder whether you need two versions – one for the UK for those of us who probably know all about the rugby and the fact that United won … again – and one for far flung places where this might be more of a news story. OK, maybe it’s just that I’m fed up hearing about MU’s successes when my lads at the other end of the East Lancs road (Liverpool) only managed a draw in the Merseyside derby with Everton!
Your Gary Player quote reminds me of a story told by athlete Kriss Akabusi, who finally became European champion after 15 years of trying – and one newspaper headline hailed his ‘overnight’ success!
Thanks David – helpful feedback as always
For future Audio Blogs I will try to find somewhere perfectly quiet to do the recording although doing it at my PC there is bound to be so slight reverberation. I will try to make it as good as possible but I say again I am not looking for perfection as in a recording studio – I don’t really want something that ‘clinical.’
Listening to two at the same time aye? The expression ‘Double Dutch’ springs to mind :-)
I would rather stick to one version rather than separate versions for my US friends – Rocky in fact is a Man United fan as is his goalkeeping son! It is surprising in fact how many of my US friends do like our football (or maybe I should say soccer)
I love that Kriss Akabusi quote and I have written elsewhere many times that I do not believe there is such a thing as an overnight success. It may take 50 years to become successful. Having said that we also need to think seriously about what we mean by ‘success’. Many people are very happy and contented to just live their life and not be judged as ‘successful’ or not other than by the way they live their life. That is just as successful as anyone measured by fame or fortune.
I think you know Trevor that I am involved with The Prince’s Trust. When we had our mentors’ training day it was explained that some of the young people who have been helped to start businesses have gone on to build £1m+ turnover companies. Others have remained one person businesses doing not much more than providing themselves with a living. The Trust considers them to be equally successful.
Great illustration David the Princes Trust is a wonderful organisation.
Success is OFTEN in the eye of the beholder. Success is indeed a fascinating topic.
*Success to some people is making millions of pounds;
*Success to some people is to help other people;
*For the 20000 people who will die today –mainly children - due to extreme poverty success would be to get enough food or drink to survive another day.
Success means different things to different people and it is definitely an emotive and relative concept.
Robbie Williams is ‘successful’ if measured by the adulation and record sales and no doubt his bank balance. I remember reading how Robbie often struggles with depression and feels a failure sometimes. In August 2003 Knebworth Park hosted the biggest music event in British history as Robbie Williams performed to 375,000 people over three days. I remember Robbie saying he felt lonely and sad after the three concerts. And yet by all measurements of the 375,000 ‘beholders’ he was a success over those three evenings. ‘Others’ views of our success do not necessarily equate with inner happiness of the ‘successful’ person it seems.
I am firmly in the camp that says success is looking in the mirror and telling the person you see that you did your best. Success is doing our best with what gifts we are given.
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