Once or twice on Simplicity Blog in the last year or so I have complained in quite an animated way how stupid some people are when they fit toilet roll holders in public toilets. In my experience many holders are fitted in places that means one of two things:
1 The person fitting them has a sense of humour
2 The person fitting them believes we are all contortionists.
So …....................
When we recently moved house I was put to the test …
- Is he all talk?
- Can this bloke Trevor Gay who is always complaining about the position of toilet roll holders deliver in his own back yard?
Well …. Here is the evidence … that is me pictured in our new loo with my recently fitted (by my good self) toilet roll holder. This can be reached very comfortably and requires no great physical effort or contortionist activity.
Now there we are ….. I am not an architect; a designer; a builder; a carpenter; a room planner; or a scientist … I am just an ordinary bloke with two eyes, a drill a screw driver and some common sense.
It really is not that difficult is it?
I hope you are impressed David.
By the way .... Annie was laughing last night when I told her I thought our downstairs toilet was so lovely I was thinking of getting a TV installed in there together with an easy chair ... I guess Annie must have thought I was joking.
Nope ... I promise I have not been secretly at the Red Wine before typing this.
A great weekend to all visitors to Simplicity Blog - the sun is finally shining in England - summer has arrived ....