I made my first appearance on this planet 57 years ago today.
I received this great birthday picture sent electronically through Facebook by my daughter Nadine that was drawn by my 4 year old Grandson Sebastian. This is Sebastian’s drawing of Grandad Gay taking our two dogs Rusty and Bertie for a walk.
Kids are so kind and thoughtful aren’t they? - Sebastian kindly remembered to make sure he showed traces of hair on both sides of my head.
The drawing is a masterpiece - Sebastian has captured you perfectly!
All my love, xxxxxxx
Thank you darling - love you more than Red Wine and Chips xxxx
Happy B Day, Trevor! As I tell many of my peers, you should start using Roman numerals for your age now. It befits your seniority and nobody can read em anyway. Cheers!
My Dear Trevor,
Good morning.
"Happy Birth day and wishing you many happy returns of the day"
I offer my special prayers on this very sepcial day you have come on this Earth planet to do good for Humanity and you have already done it in a very good way and I wish you all the best to continue with your mission.
May" Lord Jesus" Grace and Blessings be showered upon you and your family at all times.
My prayers to you and your family..................AMEN.
You sneaky dog. I don't remember you mentioning having a birthday coming up today. If you did and I somehow missed it, I'm sorry and wish you a happy belated birthday. I've been in and out of bed with a serious headache for days, so maybe in a foggy moment I let it slip past me.
Hope it was a great one. And I love the picture, by the way.
Happy Birthday and great artwork to boot. Thanks for being an inspiration to many of us, even when we may be silent on the blogs from time to time...we're still reading and listening.
Enjoy time with Annie and cut the work day in half!
Happy birthday! And I wish you many more to come even if this greeting is a little late.
Happy birthday! :-)
John – 57 is not old … if you are a tree :- )
JK – prayers returned for you and your family – I always value your words of wisdom – I hope your wife is recovering.
Dan – it’s today my friend! – You haven’t missed it and thanks for the good wishes
Scott – cheers matey and the good news is no work commitments in my diary today – we are going for a meal later – every day spent with Annie is special – birthdays especially so.
John – your greeting is spot on and thanks for you kind thought – much appreciated
Steve- thanks – another year older and still not sure what I want to do when I grow up - But hey who wants to grow up anyway?
Belated birthday greetings! Think hair overdone on pic!
Will you be bringing some cake along to the Friday watercooler event?
BTW, you are allowed to wind the clock back when you get to 60.
Hi David – why belated? – Its today!! I will bring some roasted cashew nuts if you like on Friday – no cake I’m afraid. I stopped counting a few years ago :-)
Trevor My Friend,
Happy Birthday young man! The drawing is priceless and the fact that he took the time to include the "fringe" just shows Mr. Sebastian has a meticulous eye for detail and a great deal of love for his Grandfather!
Enjoy the day
P.S...do you get as irritated as I do having to pay full price for a haircut? We need to start a movement like "The Fellowship of the Fringe" and advocate!
Hi Dave - we are alike in many ways – even down to hair style! – “Fellowship of the Fringe” –LOL - brilliant. I agree about full price haircut rip off for us folks with, shall we say, limited covering. I am fortunate however in having my own in-house barber so I don’t have to pay ….. Annie does not ask for a fee … you may have put thoughts in her head now so thank you very much Mr Wheeler!!! :-)
How much do you think I should charge Dave?
(I'll give YOU a virtual haircut for $10 if you like)
Now that is brilliance Trevor! Happy, joyful birthday to you! You rock!
Cheers David - We had a great day ... We are enjoying a heat wave ... My Mom told me it was the same weather 57 years ago - she remembers it well!
I highly recommend that you have Dave use the webcam, and with a good pair of shears walk him though the procedure. That would be worth paying to watch.
All is good in Neverland...
I hereby second Scott's motion. All in favor...
(That'll teach Dave not to show up for a meeting.)
Shears? A pair of nail scissors should do the trick but yes, it's an excellent idea!
Dan, I'm glad you're in favor - I'd like to employ you as chief executive of my virtual hairdressing salon.
Dave, you got a webcam?
I hereby accept your offer of employment as CEO of your Excellent Salon.
Here is the first entry in our policy manual:
"No employee is allowed to come to work. You can only come to play."
That's great Dan, thanks - welcome aboard!
Like your style... the second entry is "laughter is essential"
Glad you said that, because laughter is the only form of pay that will be dished out. But it's all that's needed. Thankfully, with this bunch, there's plenty in the laughter account to keep us going.
As Chairman of the company I would just say that all employees will compulsorily wear a company lapel badge that reads;
“If you see someone around here without a smile - lend them one of yours”
Folically Challenged R Us
BTW - I remember getting back late to the office from lunch when I was a youngster of 18 with shoulder length hair.
My boss said: Why are you late back?
Me: I’ve been for a haircut
Boss: You don’t have a hair cut in my time
Me: It grows in your time
Boss: It doesn’t ALL grow in my time
Me: I didn’t have it ALL cut off
57 and still a warrior. keep on rattling the cage amigo. I agree that it is time to end the tyranny of half haircuts at full price. I say we go on strike and grow the the three hairs we have left to our ankles.
I had a buddy who was prematurely bald on the top by age 30. He was a tall guy. And he told everybody that he wasn't really bald, instead his problem was that he was 6'-3" tall with 6'-1" hair.
Rocky and Dan - I always say the reason for the apparent lack of hair is that the head is in fact expanding through the hair because of the greater intelligence in the brain.
All those rapidly proliferating brain cells and neural connections are displacing the hair follicles, ey? So, does that imply that taking excessive Rogaine or having excessive hair transplants could make a person stupid?
That might well explain what happened to a couple of people I used to work with. I can see the Alabama Hillbilly warning label on Rogaine now: "Hey, Bubba, rite here's sumthin ya needs to know: takin' this here stuff makes ya dummer than durt."
Brilliant Dan - you win Sir!
LOL. I didn't know there was a contest going on. What's the jackpot up to? Never mind. It's all good.
First prize is a virtual haircut!
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