The 'New Deal for Carers Strategy' will be published in early 2008 by the Department of Health.
Today I met another 10 fantastic carers as part of that process.
I have worked closely with carers for over 20 years and I sometimes rather arrogantly start to think I know a fair bit about the subject of carers. Then I am pulled up short and reminded with yet another amazing story from carers themselves how little I actually know about what it is really like to be a carer.
Today two people in my group told me they have been caring for their spouse for a total of 15 years between them and neither of them has ever had help from the services that are meant to help them such as social services and the NHS.
For instance neither have ever received respite care – indeed one of the two did not even know what the expression ‘respite care’ actually meant.
It is incredible that in 2007 we have so many 'hidden carers' who are just 'doing the job' from a sense of love, duty and obligation and they are not asking for help because they do not know they are legally entitled to it.
The Government is getting care on the cheap through carers goodwill and the more we can promote the needs of carers the better.