Malcolm makes things happen rather than waiting for things to come his way.
He has loads of creative ideas about work and innovation and all are rooted in common sense, pragmatism and simplicity.
I have a feeling Malcolm’s new blog will be as successful as his Bearhunt project and his Its a Goal project
Watch out for Malcolm’s name and get in touch with him if you want to change things and be part of projects aimed at improving people’s lives.
Good luck Malcolm and keep rattling cages!
I have gone through "School of curisity" and found to be quite interesting and posted two comments. Thank you for the link Trevor
cool site. thanks for the link
Thanks JK and Rocky - hope you are both well. Malcolm is a brilliant creative thinker.
Hey Trevor — A belated Happy Birthday! I don't have a clue how old you are, but I'll just assume you're 30-something. (The "something" can be ANY digit of course.)
Thanks John - you are right I can confirm officially I am definitely over 30 my friend :-)
The thoughtful post about the demise of traditional leadership has really got be thinking. I remember back then when I read a blog of Hammad Siddiqui,
in which he spoke about the key characteristics of a leader, it created a similar enlightening moment for me
My second book is out and viral. The 12th Disciple! A have a character named Trevor in the book (one of the Disciples) named after YOU. You are an inspiration to many...keep blogging my friend.
Not one curse word in this book either!!!!!
Very different format too.
Thank you Scott - you are far too kind Sir - stay well and keep writing.
Thanks for sharring
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